Tuesday, October 8, 2013

If Bachmann's right and we're living in End Times, many species will be grateful

October 8, 2013, 1:23 PM PDT

I hope Michele Bachmann is right and we really are living in the End Times.  Climatologists agree with her, but on the basis of hard evidence, not Bachmann's religious beliefs.  We human beings are warming ourselves into extinction.  Planet Earth will be a much better place without us, and we have no one to blame but ourselves for our extinction. 

If they survive, the polar bears will be grateful, and the snow leopards, and the elephants because there won't be any poachers hunting them for their tusks.  The ocean's fish will be grateful, because without overfishing, their populations may increase.  Harp seals will be grateful, because no one will be clubbing their babies to death for their pelts.  Coyotes and wolves will be grateful.  So will grizzly bears.  The pine forests decimated by bark beetles will be grateful, because without humans warming the planet, the cold weather that kept the beetles in check will return. 

Sadly for Bachmann, there will be no Rapture, no ascension into heaven.  Just death, Michele, death from having no water to drink. 

Earth and the process of evolution that continues here whether Republicans allow it to be taught in the schools or not will continue long after human beings are gone.  If we heat ourselves to extinction before we create autonomous robots then machines will not replace us as the dominant species on the planet.  Every day, we humans prove that as a species we are unfit for survival.  Bachmann illustrates the point forcefully. 

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