Tuesday, October 29, 2013

HuffPo Censors screen comment calling for Cheney's arrest

October 29, 2013, 6:29 PM

I still have a bumpersticker reading "Impeach Cheney and Bush." Cheney's name is first, because he was the "gray eminence" behind Bush's facade, the real power in Washington during those awful years. Yes, arrest and prosecute Cheney. He should be treated exactly like Pinochet or Milosovec.


Huff Po is a tool of the corporatocracy that has operated America for its benefit for three decades.  Clinton was a tool of the corporatocracy and so was Bush.  Reagan was the first.  Bush was a war criminal and so was Cheney.  They authorized murder and torture.  I'm not going to defend Obama in this regard.  He has murdered and tortured with impunity.  Milosovic and Pinochet were arrested and prosecuted.  If Cheney has the gall to leave the U.S. where he's safe, he should be arrested and prosecuted.  The Rule of Law demands it.  I make this very reasonable comment on Huff Po, one that many other commentators made as well, and mine is singled out.  Huff Po is a tool of the corporatocracy.  It is owned by Time Warner AOL, and it acts like it.   

1 comment:

  1. A further note: 23 people faved my comment that Cheney should be arrested and prosecuted if he goes to Canada, AND Huffington Post removed my comment. Now there is freedom of speech HuffPo style for you.
