Monday, October 21, 2013

HuffPo "reviews" a common sense comment on smog

October 211, 2013, 8:14 AM

China's smog demonstrates exactly what American smog would be if not for the EPA.  Business says there are too many regulations.  I say, Hooray for regulations!  Business wants to eliminate regulation so it can do whatever it wants without regard for the consequences.  Business will not regulate itself.  The marketplace will not regulate polluters.  Only government, which has the best interests of We The People at heart, will regulate polluters. 

     HuffPo "reviewers" come out on the side of polluters, business, and capital once again.  Today's Huffington Post contained an article describing pollution in Harbin, northern China, that was 40 times the level considered the red-line or maximum allowable amount of particulate matter.  The sky was so thick with pollution that citizens could not see more than 10 yards in some places.  I pointed out (see above comment) that the situation in Harbin is exactly what we would have in America if not for the EPA.  China does not effectively regulate its polluters.  It does that so it can compete more effectively with other countries' manufacturing.  That is the reason that American manufacturers use to complain about too much regulation.  It is a simple logical step to conclude that if not for government regulation of polluters, American air would be as polluted as China's  Apparently that is too radical a statement for Huffington Post to allow. 

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