Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Huffington Post finally figured out how to get rid of me and other critics

December 11, 2013 noon PST

     Huffington Post instituted a new procedure today for posting.  In order to place a comment on Huffington Post, a user will have to have a Facebook account.  A commenter's Huffington Post username will be posted along with the commenter's Facebook username. 

     That's it for me.  I already have become the target for harassment 24-7 by some troll who's accessed the leased phone lines of a San Diego area company that owns thousands of lines all across the country and leases them out.  I am totally unwilling to expose myself to even more harassment by helping trolls find my Facebook page. 

     The take-home lesson here is that Huffington Post is part of Big Media, a key component of the corporatocracy that operates America for its benefit and in opposition to the benefit of We The People. 

    I had wanted to comment on Huffington Post today that no one should be surprised that Congress appears poised to reduce the benefits of the unemployed and to take away food stamps.  Congress is part of the corporatocracy too;  it is the Big Politics piece.  Other pieces are:  Big Military, Big Defense, Big Finance, Big Insurance, Big Government, Big Ag, Big Energy, and Big Pharma.

     The corporatocracy is tightening its control over America.  There is only so much money available, and the struggle is on to capture it.  The corporatocracy is seizing money from the poor and unemployed for itself. 

     Where is the outrage?  Where are the people pouring out into the streets?  Of course, the corporatocracy would welcome that, because then they could shoot a few protestors and Big Media would tell the story about how dangerous the protestors were, and we protestors would learn the lesson we learned from Kent State that protest in America will be met with deadly force. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Now it's too sensitive to suggest that Obama is a tool of the corporatocracy

December 8, 2013, 5:14 PM PST

Obama always was and still is the tool of the corporatocracy.  He ran a campaign that made him seem to be a representative for We The People.  That was advertising.  It was no different than Chevron saying they care for the environment while they frack and pollute and greenwash themselves.  Obama, like Romney, and every other political figure except for Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Sherrod Brown, is in the pay of the corporatocracy.  The defining battle of our time is the struggle between human being citizens and corporations. 


Huffington Post ran an article this afternoon about leaked documents demonstrating that the Obama administration wants to grant "radical new powers to corporations."  That was the article Huffington Post ran.  So, I commented as above, and was told my comments were delayed because of the sensitive nature of the subject.  Hell, Yeah it is sensitive.  America and with it much of the world is being taken over by corporations.  Corporations do not care for We The People and do not care for the environment.  Unfortunately for We The People, Huffington Post is just like the New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media in that it is owned and operated by the corporatocracy that operates America and much of the world for its benefit, not for the benefit of We The People.  I hate hypocrisy and I hate Huffington Post for masquerading as a liberal media organ when actually it is an organ of the corporatocracy that is screwing We The People. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Now it's not okay to suggest the banks own the DOJ

Monday December 2, 2013 3:53 PM PST

Of course the DOJ let the banks off the hook, because the banks own the DOJ.  The DOJ works for the banks, not for We The People, and if you thought differently you need to wake up.  We live in a corporatocracy, not a democracy.  The votes of citizens do not count.  Only the money of corporations counts.  We The People have no power;  only the corporations have power.  The corporations own 5 of the nine supremes and that's all they need.  They own all of the senate except for Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Sherrod Brown.  They own almost all of the House of Representatives, and they own most of the governors and state houses in the nation. 


Huffington Post ran a story about how the DOJ would not punish the banks for insider trading and credit default swaps, actions that materially damaged the government (lost taxes) and hurt We The People by taking down our system of business enterprise and wrecking the economy. 

I wrote the above comment pointing out how the banks own the DOJ and most of the rest of the government at the federal as well as at the state level.  Censors at Huffington Post said my comment was too sensitive and would be delayed.  No surprise here.  Huffington Post is owned by AOL Time Warner which is a major participant in Big Media which is one of the essential components of the corporatocracy that operates America and much of the world for its benefit, and not for the benefit of We The People.  It should be pointed out that We The People paid for all the infrastructure the the corporatocracy absolutely requires for its operations.  We paid for the satellites and transmission lines that carry the banks' data.  We paid for the highways Big Transportation uses to move its products.  Oh, we also pay for the operations of Big Military that the corporatocracy uses to defend its operations and to attack defenseless countries and justify the bloated defense budgets that Big Military and Big Defense use to create massive fortunes for the 1%. 

So, of course Huff Po censors would think my comments are too sensitive, because my comments expose the hypocrisy of Huffington Post:  it masquerades as a liberal medium, but it is in fact a very conservative operation.