Saturday, October 5, 2013

American social order breaks down and a police state follows

October 5, 2013, 8:43 AM

America's future prospects do not look good.  In one scenario, the system continues to break down and battles erupt between the majority disadvantaged (who are like the Shiites of Iraq) and the minority advantaged (the wealthy who have controlled America for a long time and are like the Sunnis and have private armies and brainwashed supporters).  The breakdown convinces citizens to elect (in a rigged vote) a "strong leader" who is a tool of the wealthy (think Ted Cruz) who will "restore order."  Restoring order will result in murders by death squads, car bombings, and martial law.  Fracking will increase.  Pipelines will be built. Homosexuals will be murdered.  Abortions will be illegal.  Contraception will be denied.  America will become like Iraq, Afghanistan, Chile under Pinochet, Liberia under Taylor, or Zimbabwe under Mugabe.  The factions at war in D.C. right now may not have an "end game" like this in mind, but the 1% and the corporations that operate America for their profit certainly do.  They've been doing this in foreign countries for decades.  Now the evil we have done abroad is coming home. 

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