Friday, October 11, 2013

GOP in Death Throes

October 11, 2013, 5:12 PM

Cutting Social Security and Medicare was one goal all along.  If they can't deprive citizens of medical care (A.C.A.) then the Republickspittles will try and deprive citizens of something else they need to live, like their retirement or the medical care they already paid for.  The article says the GOP is in its death throes.  I hope so.  Euthanize them. 

Only the psychotic fan base of the Tea Party, the 24% who still favor them and who always have, still believes in the Republickspittles.  These are people who hear voices apparently and who have delusions.  It is helpful to realize, I think, that the nation appears to have about a quarter of its population that is deranged.  They vote against their own self-interest.  They are mentally ill.

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