Saturday, November 2, 2013

Huffiington Post dislikes comparing super-rich to Maria Antoinette

November 2, 2013, 9:46 AM PDT

Marie Antoinette had the same attitude as the super-rich and their toadies, the Republican Party.  It cost her her head.  The super-rich make money off endless war because they invest in Big Defense.  The Congress is bought and paid for by Big Defense, Big Energy, Big Pharm, and the rest of the corporatocracy that operates America for its benefit.  We The People receive absolutely NO benefit from Big Defense.  The super-rich are stealing from We The People, stealing the food out of us seniors' mouths and the mouths of American babies.  Revolution is the answer.  Then we'll see that the intention of Big Defense all along was to defend the super-rich against We The People.


Gee this seems like a reasonably accurate comment.  Yet, when I submitted it, I received a prompt saying there was an error in posting my comment.  I tried several more times and then it became clear that Huffington Post was not going to allow me to compare the 1% to Marie Antoinette, was not going to bring her fate to the awareness of the Huff Po readership, was not going to allow me to notice that the corporatocracy steals from We The People to feed its own insatiable craving for more and more money, and was not going to allow me to suggest that revolution is the only answer and that if we do revolt we will quickly learn that all that money given to Big Defense will fund suppression of We The People.  The 1% has bought the ballot box and all three branches of government.  It's time for a General Strike.  Give us Universal Health Care, give us our food stamps, stop attacking Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid, raise taxes on the super-rich, and drastically reduce the military.

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