Thursday, November 21, 2013

Exorcising homosexuality is too sensitive for Huffington Post

November 21, 2013, 1:08 PM PST

Maybe Paprocki was trying to exorcise the pedophilia and homosexuality from the Catholic Church.
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Huffington Post published an article about Bishop Paprocki conducting an exorcism in Illinois to remove homosexuality from the state legislature that approved gay marriage.  Hey, there's the article.  Huffington Post did not think the article itself was too "potentially sensitive" to publish, but when I commented that maybe Paprocki was trying to exorcise pedophilia and homosexuality from the Catholic Church THAT was too "potentially sensitive" for the censors at AOL Time Warner's faux liberal web site. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Now global warming is "sensitive" at Huffington Post

November 29, 2013,  12:55 PM PST

As the arctic ice melts, methane that is presently stored in a semisolid form on the ocean's floor is released and that will put the global warming beyond our ability to control. You can see Thom Hartman's video, "Last Hours" at

It's important to realize that Big Energy and Big Finance will not stop polluting the planet with greenhouse gases, because they are driven by greed and an obsession with short-term profit. Corporations are not people. Corporations do not fear global warming and rising sea levels and species extinction.

In order to stop global warming, we humans must change the way we live.
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Now the censors at Huff Po are saying that speaking truth about global warming is "potentially sensitive" and must be reviewed.  Huffington Post is owned by AOL Time Warner.  It is a major player in Big Media, which is an essential component of the corporatocracy that operates America and much of the world for its benefit.  Big Military, Big Surveillance, Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Insurance, Big Medicine, Big Politics, and Big Government unite with Big Energy and Big Finance and Big Media to form the corporatocracy.  We The People are no longer represented.  We The People are a crop to be harvested for our money, our health, our attention, our lives. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Now Elizabeth Warren's call to expand Social Security is "sensitive"

November 18, 2013, 9:10 PM PST

Hooray for Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and Sherrod Brown. Thankfully we have three U.S. senators who are speaking truth.
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Elizabeth Warren joined Bernie Sanders and Sherrod Brown to call for an expansion of Social Security by linking cost of living adjustments to the actual cost of living.  She criticized the "chained CPI" that is based on the idea that an increase in prices motivates people to buy cheaper products and so Social Security benefits should not be increased.  This amounts to cutting Social Security benefits, Warren said, which is accurate.  
So I posted a comment praising Warren, Sanders, and Brown, and the censors at Huffington Post said the post is too potentially sensitive to be posted immediately.  Even if it is eventually posted, it will appear on page 117 of 250 and no one will see it, because Huff Po readers only read the most recent posts.  
What I get is that Huffington Post, which is owned by AOL Time Life, is part of Big Media, one of the key elements of the corporatocracy that operates America for its benefit.  Big Media and the rest of the corporatocracy hate Elizabeth Warren because of her progressive politics.  What they really hate is that she stands up for We The People against the corporatocracy. THAT is why my praise of Warren is too sensitive:  It is too sensitive to the greedy sensibility of the corporatocracy.  
We The People need to wake up and take back our country. 

Huff Po censors think commenting on Rob Ford's weight is "sensitive."

November 18, 2013, 9:47 AM PST

Rob Ford should run for rehab and run for the gym and run for his life, because as overweight as he is he's a cardiac arrest waiting to happen.

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Oh, the potential for sensitivity!!!!  What crap.  Anything I post at Huffington Post is now tagged as potentially sensitive.  The original article reported that Rob Ford intends to run for Prime Minister of Canada now that the City Council of Toronto has stripped him of all his powers as mayor.  The man is at least as overweight as NJ Governor Chris Christie who had lapband surgery that doesn't appear to be having much effect on his weight.  Rob Ford breaks a sweat just standing.  He needs rehab as much a Robert Downey Jr. or Amy Winehouse evey did.  He is at risk for a heart attack and Type II diabetes as well as for drug overdose.  Why, Huff Po, is this "potentially sensitive"? 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Huff Po dislikes comments that humans are complacent about global warming

November 17, 2013, 10:06 AM PST

"Complacency" the weatherman said can cause people to be taken by surprise by an intense tornado. Complacency about global warming is why we're having intense tornadoes and will continue to do so.

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So many topics are considered "sensitive" by Huffington Post.  At least they're sensitive when I mention global warming. . . . or a host of other topics.  Huffington Post is protecting the delicate sensitivities of human beings.  The people of the Philippines were apparently in a state of complacency about the effect of global warming on the intensity of hurricanes.  The people of New Orleans were in a state of complacency about the effect of global warming on the intensity of hurricanes.  Same with the people of New Jersey.  The Congress of the United States is in a state of complacency about global warming.  The people of America are in a state of complacency.  The Big Energy and Big Finance corporations that benefit from continued generation of greenhouse gases are intent on keeping We The People in a state of complacency.  Sadly, global warming will fry the rich and the poor alike.  Rising sea levels will drown the wealth as well as the destitute.  

Saturday, November 16, 2013

HuffPo dislikes praising Anonymous hackers

November 16, 2013, 5:53 AM PST

I am very happy that Anonymous exists and hacks the FBI and other agencies. FBI, NSA and the dozen or more secret surveillance agencies are the tools of a repressive regime that wants all the power to pry for itself and criminalizes all dissent.
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 What you see here is my comment to an article describing how the Justice (sic) department is upset that Anonymous hackers have penetrated servers at the FBI and in other agencies.  One poster said "It's fine with me (that Anonymous hacks) because the government is doing it all the time itself."  Another poster said Anonymous were enemies of the state.  I wonder why Huff Po censors questioned my comment?  Was it because I called attention to the FBI and NSA as tools of a repressive regime?  They certainly are, but apparently Huff Po censors don't like that truth being exposed.  Huff Po decries the Russian repressive regime that jails Pussy Riot for making music that violates Putin's idea of a just society, but Huff Po censors an American citizen who calls attention to our own repression.  

Shaman Omaha

Friday, November 15, 2013

HuffPo dislikes calling attention to stupidity

November 15, 2013, 4:54 PM PST

The Lafourche City Council is apparently for uneducated people from the bottom of the gene pool who wouldn't be hired as a Walmart greeter.


Lindel Toups who sits on the Lafourche Parish City Council said that Mexicans might learn English in a library and "that son of a bitch should go back to Mexico."  He also said that libraries are where hippies go to look at drugs on the Internet.  I thought this comment by a public, elected official indicated a level of stupidity that required mocking, so I wrote the above comment.  It was deleted, "Due to the sensitive nature of the subject."

Well, yes the subject is sensitive!  It hurts me deeply that Louisianans  elect officials who make ignorant, racist, white supremacist comments like the one Mr. Toups made.  Mr. Toups has access to the media (Huffington Post) to spew his bigotry, but comments mocking stupidity are deleted.  Oh, well, I was able to publish my mockery here and explain the point of it. 

Shaman Omaha

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Huffiington Post dislikes comparing super-rich to Maria Antoinette

November 2, 2013, 9:46 AM PDT

Marie Antoinette had the same attitude as the super-rich and their toadies, the Republican Party.  It cost her her head.  The super-rich make money off endless war because they invest in Big Defense.  The Congress is bought and paid for by Big Defense, Big Energy, Big Pharm, and the rest of the corporatocracy that operates America for its benefit.  We The People receive absolutely NO benefit from Big Defense.  The super-rich are stealing from We The People, stealing the food out of us seniors' mouths and the mouths of American babies.  Revolution is the answer.  Then we'll see that the intention of Big Defense all along was to defend the super-rich against We The People.


Gee this seems like a reasonably accurate comment.  Yet, when I submitted it, I received a prompt saying there was an error in posting my comment.  I tried several more times and then it became clear that Huffington Post was not going to allow me to compare the 1% to Marie Antoinette, was not going to bring her fate to the awareness of the Huff Po readership, was not going to allow me to notice that the corporatocracy steals from We The People to feed its own insatiable craving for more and more money, and was not going to allow me to suggest that revolution is the only answer and that if we do revolt we will quickly learn that all that money given to Big Defense will fund suppression of We The People.  The 1% has bought the ballot box and all three branches of government.  It's time for a General Strike.  Give us Universal Health Care, give us our food stamps, stop attacking Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid, raise taxes on the super-rich, and drastically reduce the military.